
Showing posts from March, 2022

Faith Comes through Hearing

“Home Service” is the term used for present-day missionary furloughs. However, it’s not a vacation, but a continued, active service to our home church, the Lutheran-Church Missouri Synod. This service looks a little bit different than our normal work, takes place in our “home” country, and includes a lot of travel!   The focus of home service for missionaries is to reconnect with family, thank and update our supporting congregations, and seek out new or additional support through congregations or individuals by visiting them! If you were not aware, all LCMS missionaries are responsible for raising 100% of the funds it takes to get us to the field and keep us there ( read more here ). God has granted faithful supporters over my five years of missionary service, and the opportunity to thank these churches and individuals is priceless.  Each visit looks a bit different, but usually includes a presentation which ranges from five minutes to a full hour. My main presentation this year highli